My granddaughter is in Middle School and it is that time of year for science projects. One popular engineering project is a Catapult. So we’ve been working together to create a model catapult. Here is the SketchUp design, and this is a model of a DaVinci Style example, where the energy is stored in these perpendicular sticks (we used ash as a material).
Here is a picture of our first build, and it works quite well in shooting a ball about 20 feet.
There are plenty of pictures of these catapults online and in the 3D warehouse. Also there are a multitude of different styles and ways of storing energy. We used a Leonardo DiVinci style catapult that stores energy in two strips of ash.
As frequently the case, we started the SketchUp modeling with a photograph. Here I show how the tracing of shapes over the photograph provides enough information to make the components.
Now to the ratchet wheel. This is a close-up of the set-up to re-create this ratchet wheel.
There are 18 teeth, so I set the Circle Tool to 18 sides (24 is the default value). I placed circles to match both the outer and inner points of the teeth. Then I drew radii and the shape of the tooth.
After deleting much of the waste material, I was left with one tooth having a face. I copy-rotated that tooth as shown below using the Rotate Tool, after tapping the Ctrl Key (Option on the Mac).
Then I typed “x17” to complete the number of teeth in the ratchet. After deleting the waste radii, adding a 3/8-in. hole in the center, I pulled out the thickness of 5/8-in. completing the ratchet model.
And here is the video.
I built a trebuchet with my grandson when he was 12 and he had a great time with it.
However, it was not nearly as cool as the catapult you have presented here. Great design.
I know your granddaughter will remember this project for a long time.
Nice work, Grandpa!
Jurgen01, thanks for the note. I wish I could take credit for the design, but it is a Leonardo DeVinci creation. I had to devise a trigger mechanism, however. I think this is possibly what grandpas are for, and I hope that this experience is lasting and a positive one for my granddaughter.
Looks really good and the best part is that it actually works. Shooting a ball 20 feet, that's awesome. Great work!
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