This turning, called Monsoon was the top vote-getter in our recent "What Have You Turned Lately" gallery challenge. Congratulations to the maker, Bill Wyko, who wins our competition.
Congratulations to Bill Wyko (aka Sandtazam) of Tucson, Ariz. who wins our “What Have You Turned Lately” gallery challenge with his Monsoon turning.
His segmented vessel was inspired by Malcolm Tibbetts and Ray Allen. He used 1,500 pieces of wood and took more than 6 months to make it.
Wyko was the top vote-getter in our community voting.
Another homage to Ray Allen
Kudos also to Dennis VL. His turning, Variation of a Ray Allen classic, came in second in our voting.
Dennis said he took up turning two years ago and it quickly turned into an addiction.
“Unbelievably complex and beautiful. The color choices are perfect,” commented ScubaSkeeter.
A turning that channels M.C. Escher
Ken Muldrew’s turning inspired by M.C. Escher took third place.
“Holy smoke. Am getting a headache trying to figure this one out,” wrote Bigsby59. Muldrew built the vessel with interlocking pieces of padauk and maple.
A burly bowl
Hats off to Tg3k as well for coming in well ahead of the pack and in fourth place for a natural edge box elder burl bowl.
“It’s hard to tell whether the wood makes the bowl look so good or the bowl makes the wood look so good. Whatever it it is, that’s a beautiful bowl,” said crazyoldman.
Thanks to all the participants for filling the Fine Woodworking gallery with more incredible turned work. Thanks to the voters for helping us select a winner.
While our turning competition is over, there’s still time to join our period furniture contest featuring hundreds of dollars worth of prizes from Titebond.
Thank you so very much. This winning has so many rewards. The fact that I was selected by Fine Wood Working to be a finalist, the votes from the public and my friends, and the DVD's. Everyone in the competition is extremely talented and deserving of a win as well. I look at the other members work and I'm inspired by so many of my fellow wood turners. I really would like to thank Fine Wood Working, my friends and fellow wood workers that voted for my piece. This is a real honor to be recognized by all of you. Especially being surrounded by such talent. God Bless and keep turning.
Bill Wyko,
Bill, I too live in Tucson. I would love to know if I could see your work first hand. Very inspiring. Toss me an email if you don't mind a visit.
E-mail sent my friend. Give me a call and we can get together.
A really impressive piece. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
After seeing the winners,I think I should sell my two lathes and tools. Such talent and execution of ideas is beyond any description I can make. Mr Wyko, your modesty is also very refreshing. Thankyou.
I have to say that even though the winner and 2nd place are great and all, I think Ken Muldrews piece should have won this one. The others are great as I said but it seems to be common practice to make segmented turnings in this manner. I have never seen one like Kens so its uniqueness alone should have pulled in more votes. I guess if Ken would have posted a forum topic at another site seeking votes he would have pulled this one off. It worked for Bill obviously. Sorry Ken, My vote wasn't enough.
At first look you may think this is a common segmented turning but if you look close, you will find that in order to do a round turning with the flat windows, it takes an incredible amount of work. preventing the segments around the windows from becoming uneven from one side of a flat panel to the other required days of planning. In addition, the cross shape holes in the upper, below middle and lower rings is something I'm not sure has ever been done. It was a real challenge as well. Another subtlety is some of the rings with 24 segments are made with compound miter cuts and have to be perfectly round. I think if you delve deeper into the build of Monsoon you will discover it is one of a kind in many ways. I know a lot of these little details can easily be overlooked and I don't expect many people to grasp these things so I hope you don't mind that I bring them to light.
I do thank you very much for your opinion though, and I must say that Ken's piece is an incredible turning as well as Dennis's. I would say both are deserving of the win and they are both an inspiration. Again, thanks to those that felt my work was worthy.
Hey Bill, I checked my mail and couldn't fine your email. Could you toss another my way?
E-mail sent my friend. Let me know if it got through. I have had issues before sending to Yahoo accounts for some reason. I look forward to meeting you.
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