A Mini Banjo
The peghead end of WIll's third banjo
Happy New Year Everyone !!!
Will has just completed his third banjo from scratch .. It’s for a little kid; a present from his grandmother because she knows he likes to watch Will play the banjo at the local farmer’s market …. Treat ‘em right, I say. Get a musical instrument in a kid’s hands and it could change their life …. The third photo and the fourth one show the difference in size between a regular old time or bluegrass banjo (11” pot) and the mini he just completed (8” pot) …. The head for the mini is a standard size for something called a banjolele, as it sounds, a cross between a banjo and a ukelele … Shortening the scale and fretboard was one challenge. Figuring out the neck to pot angle and getting those tuners in that little peghead were others … It all works though. Will says it is easy to play and I think it’s about the happiest sounding instrument I’ve heard … Here’s a link to a 50 second youtube concert and here’s one to my recent blog post with more and bigger photos…
This really is great! I'd love to make one some day. Can you recommend a good source for all the hardware?
Stewart-MacDonald (http://www.stewmac.com/) has a wide assortment of banjo components.
Thank you Steve! I'll have a look. Jason
hello everyone ..regarding PORC's question about the hardware, while we do get a lot of stuff from stew-mac, this particular brass hardware, which Will antiqued himself, came from bill rickard banjos in ontario canada ... beautiful stuff … here's a link to his website ... it might be best to give him a call... http://www.banjo-workshop.com/index.htm
to see more of will’s furniture work, click this link and scroll down … all for now … dan
-- dan,vermont,http://dorsetcustomfurniture.blogspot.com/
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