I decided to design and build a mobile base for a professional cabinet saw. My limited shop space did not allow me to set a large and heavy cabinet saw down in just one spot due to sharing with my lawn tractor, snow blower, etc. While many have done this with bench top saws, the challenge here was to keep the saw down low and have a steady base with low slung casters. It quickly grew to become much more than a mobile base, with a solid oak work bench, router table, quick release vise, folding outfeed table, storage drawers, etc. After detailed 3D AutoCAD design and slow, patient building I ended up calling it a Mobile Workship because of the very extensive work it is now capable of. It has drawn rave reviews from woodworkers at trade shows and really works extremely well. It is one of the few projects I have designed in 3D AutoCAD where the final design looks exactly the same as the computer model I created for fabrication purposes. It now allows me to have a very professional shop in a small space that has to be shared with my maintenance equipment. It has greatly exceeded my original expectations. Has been a real dream to create my recent woodworking projects with a newly appreciated professional look and techniques. Every home hobbyist woodworker and professional needs one!! 🙂 It is a great project with a LOT of Maple for the furniture grade look and strength!! There are some great Engineering and woodworking challenges in this project due to it’s heavy weight and user’s need for safety and stability. Visit http://www.ekho.com/products.html to order your plans for this high-quality design.
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EKHO Mobile Workshop
Front View showing cabinet saw, router table, folding outfeed table, workbench, 3 storage drawers, casters, stabilizer clamps. Visit http://www.ekho.com/products.html to order your plans for this high quality design.
EKHO Mobile Workshop
Back View showing folding outfeed table, router table dust collector port, solid oak workbench with quick release vise and bench dog holes, 3 storage drawers, casters, stabilizer clamps, removable "spice rack" shelves, cabinet saw and LED work light off the back of the fence. The folding outfeed table goes up and down in seconds and will support at least 1000 lbs. of long material or assembly work. Visit http://www.ekho.com/products.html to order your plans for this high quality design.
EKHO Mobile Workshop
End View showing quick release vise, removable "spice rack" shelves, router fence, folding outfeed table, workbench, 3 storage drawers, casters, stabilizer clamps. Visit http://www.ekho.com/products.html to order your plans for this high quality design.
EKHO Mobile Workshop
view of our Maple end cap that replaced the fence rail's plastic factory end caps. This provides a great way to clamp vertically and horizontally with the Lee Valley surface clamps. Works great to install door hinges, plane a plywood edge, etc. Visit http://www.ekho.com/products.html to order your plans for this high quality design.
EKHO Mobile Workshop
LED work light attachment. Every good woodworking project needs a few high tech gimmicks. This is a Maple end cap for the fence with a "soap bar" magnet attached LED light. The light produces no heat and the goose neck allows easy positioning. The removable base can be stuck on the cast iron saw table also with the embedded magnets. Visit http://www.ekho.com/products.html to order your plans for this high quality design.
Nice unpaid advertisement for your business. The workstation is cool, indeed nicely done as well. Taking note, however it is an advertisement and should be in the proper place in my opinion.
I think the idea is to follow the link under the picture to his website and then look around. I found a price sheet for the cabinet and it does not list plans being for sale. The table itself prices at 5500.00 or so depending on the accessories and does not include the table saw or the table saw fence as far as I can tell.
I agree with jhonbaker, the design looks good and I would be interested in purchasing the plans. But I get the impression the owner's only interest is selling the end product. If this is the case it is in the wrong section... should be a paid advertisement.
With all the skepticism re Elton's commercial intentions, his mobile workstation, I think everyone will admit that it has many great features and is very well done. And clearly this was more a labor of love than some get rich quick scheme. I'm sure there are many that would be proud to have this in their workshop. Nevertheless it is a bit of a beast to be called "mobile". I had even hoped to see the stone top version of the Steal City saw which would add even more weight but granite looks so cool with maple in high end kitchens! Anyway, real nice job Elton!
I think what this shows once again is that there is no good solution to the marriage of the high end table saw and easy portability and storage. I hope we continue to see the evolution of capability and portability in the table saw products. There will be many more men and some women that purchase table saws as they retire in the next dozen years, so that market will continue to provide new offerings.
Thanks for all the positive comments on my EKHO Mobile Workshop. My web site listed above now has many personal projects posted that have been created with this great addition to my shop. It has had a very major influence on the quality and quantity of my work over the past few months!
Some clarifications to some assumptions made above:
- This is NOT a business (They usually make money!), it is a personal project that I have put out feelers to see if there is any commercial interest.
- Even though many people say they want to buy plans, I have not heard from more than one or two people by e-mail and they did not respond when I wrote them back.
- I did NOT call it portable as someone implied above, but MOBILE because it is very mobile around any normal work shop. I move it into position every day in about 1 or 2 minutes! It weighs about 1000 lbs with everything in it, so would not be suitable to move away from the shop, except with a liftgate truck which I have done.
Bought the truck.... The saw set up is very well done ,and well thought out , I think you have solved the problems of mobility... Are ther plans for sale? if not a unit for sale?
Nice table saw accessory! "BUT" As has been said before me it should be a commercial add and charged as such! Fine woodworking, go to the website addressed in the ciscription and you would or should bill him for the add at your commercial rate.
Nice job, dead flat, dead true, bt if I used your table I'd be dead broke! Unable to do any woodworking.
Nice table saw accessory! "BUT" As has been said before me, it should be a commercial add and charged as such! Fine woodworking, go to the website addressed in the description, and you would, or should bill him for the add at your commercial rate.
Nice job, dead flat, dead true, but if I used your table I'd be dead broke! Unable to do any woodworking.
Good luck in your "Hobby"?
Sorry about the original. Spelling corrected here.
Very nice cabinet saw station in deed. It seems well thought out, but when I went to the website I was blown away at how much this guy is asking for the plans. 125 bucks is just ridiculous for woodworking plans. The reason why woodworking plans are never sold for this much money is because everyone knows they only have to be made once. Then it is a simple matter of sending someone a printed document or emailing them a file. This is why plans never sell for this much. Then there is the fact that on the website there is absolutely no information on what you are getting yourself into. The skill level required, the hardware, the tools and equipment needed to complete this product, or the estimated cost. Just "hey look what i built, if you blindly send me 125 dollars for the most expensive woodworking plans ever seen then I will gladly email you a file and you can attempt to undertake this yourself, even though you have no idea what you are getting yourself into. I dont think Ill be alone in saying this is a very nice build and it would be nice to undertake but there is no way im paying 125 bucks for woodworking plans.
With its graceful curves, cabriole legs, and ornamental back splat, a Queen Anne side chair is a bucket list build for many woodworkers. Dan Faia had a very specific Queen…
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Nice unpaid advertisement for your business. The workstation is cool, indeed nicely done as well. Taking note, however it is an advertisement and should be in the proper place in my opinion.
Bad ass. Are you selling the plans yet? ;)
very cool
wow that is freakin amazing!!!!! same question as leg... selling any plans for it?
I think the idea is to follow the link under the picture to his website and then look around. I found a price sheet for the cabinet and it does not list plans being for sale. The table itself prices at 5500.00 or so depending on the accessories and does not include the table saw or the table saw fence as far as I can tell.
I agree with jhonbaker, the design looks good and I would be interested in purchasing the plans. But I get the impression the owner's only interest is selling the end product. If this is the case it is in the wrong section... should be a paid advertisement.
I'll buy a truck instead, but great advertising!
With all the skepticism re Elton's commercial intentions, his mobile workstation, I think everyone will admit that it has many great features and is very well done. And clearly this was more a labor of love than some get rich quick scheme. I'm sure there are many that would be proud to have this in their workshop. Nevertheless it is a bit of a beast to be called "mobile". I had even hoped to see the stone top version of the Steal City saw which would add even more weight but granite looks so cool with maple in high end kitchens! Anyway, real nice job Elton!
I think what this shows once again is that there is no good solution to the marriage of the high end table saw and easy portability and storage. I hope we continue to see the evolution of capability and portability in the table saw products. There will be many more men and some women that purchase table saws as they retire in the next dozen years, so that market will continue to provide new offerings.
Thanks for all the positive comments on my EKHO Mobile Workshop. My web site listed above now has many personal projects posted that have been created with this great addition to my shop. It has had a very major influence on the quality and quantity of my work over the past few months!
Some clarifications to some assumptions made above:
- This is NOT a business (They usually make money!), it is a personal project that I have put out feelers to see if there is any commercial interest.
- Even though many people say they want to buy plans, I have not heard from more than one or two people by e-mail and they did not respond when I wrote them back.
- I did NOT call it portable as someone implied above, but MOBILE because it is very mobile around any normal work shop. I move it into position every day in about 1 or 2 minutes! It weighs about 1000 lbs with everything in it, so would not be suitable to move away from the shop, except with a liftgate truck which I have done.
Bought the truck.... The saw set up is very well done ,and well thought out , I think you have solved the problems of mobility... Are ther plans for sale? if not a unit for sale?
great idea for a tight workshop. I hope some one could come up with a simplified version of this plan soon
Very nicely built, looks solid & heavy but movable.
Great project!
Looks very nice,and mobility makes it ideal for a
small workshop.
Nice table saw accessory! "BUT" As has been said before me it should be a commercial add and charged as such! Fine woodworking, go to the website addressed in the ciscription and you would or should bill him for the add at your commercial rate.
Nice job, dead flat, dead true, bt if I used your table I'd be dead broke! Unable to do any woodworking.
Good luck in your "Hobby"?
Nice table saw accessory! "BUT" As has been said before me, it should be a commercial add and charged as such! Fine woodworking, go to the website addressed in the description, and you would, or should bill him for the add at your commercial rate.
Nice job, dead flat, dead true, but if I used your table I'd be dead broke! Unable to do any woodworking.
Good luck in your "Hobby"?
Sorry about the original. Spelling corrected here.
I was wondering if you had the plans available yet for the workstation.
You can now purchase the plans for this amazing EKHO Mobile Workshop design to build in your own shop. Visit our eBay listing at: http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=331222369553
You can now buy the plans at http://www.ekho.com/products.html
Very nice cabinet saw station in deed. It seems well thought out, but when I went to the website I was blown away at how much this guy is asking for the plans. 125 bucks is just ridiculous for woodworking plans. The reason why woodworking plans are never sold for this much money is because everyone knows they only have to be made once. Then it is a simple matter of sending someone a printed document or emailing them a file. This is why plans never sell for this much. Then there is the fact that on the website there is absolutely no information on what you are getting yourself into. The skill level required, the hardware, the tools and equipment needed to complete this product, or the estimated cost. Just "hey look what i built, if you blindly send me 125 dollars for the most expensive woodworking plans ever seen then I will gladly email you a file and you can attempt to undertake this yourself, even though you have no idea what you are getting yourself into. I dont think Ill be alone in saying this is a very nice build and it would be nice to undertake but there is no way im paying 125 bucks for woodworking plans.
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