Cutoff Box
This easy-to-build box is superior to the miter gauge for simple 90¡ cutoff work on the table saw. Right-angle accuracy is built into the fixture; there’s no adjustment necessary. Also, because the work is supported on both sides of the cut, there is none of the creeping that plagues cutoff work with the miter gauge.
Although the size of the fixture is discretionary, I suggest you make it just a little smaller than the table-saw top. For a typical saw this will give you room to handle work that’s 18 in. to 24 in. wide. Make the bed from 3/8-in. plywood and the fences from 2x4s. Glue and screw the fences to the bed (avoid putting a screw in the path of the blade). Cut the oak runners so that they slide easily in the miter gauge tracks and support the bed about 1/4 in. off the table. Be very accurate in attaching the runners, and you’ll always get a square cut.
Jon Gullett, Washington, Ill.
Fine Woodworking Magazine, December 1979 No. 19
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