Mounting Flute Blanks
Those of us with limited equipment and money sometimes need merely to think a little harder than those with the equipment we lack. In “The Flageolet” (Fall ’77, pp. 80-81), Kent Forrester advises mounting the drilled blank on the lathe with chuck-mounted abrasive cone centers to turn the flute to shape. Those without a chuck and abrasive cones can use this easy trick: Turn a 1-in, blank to the diameter of the bore, leaving about 1 in. at each end square. Cut this piece in half, chamfer the round ends and insert them into the bore of the instrument. This assembly can be remounted on the lathe, using the same live/dead orientation and the same spur indentations. If the live end slips, I suppose masking tape would solve the problem, but I found I didn’t need it.
Bob Raiselis, New Haven, Conn.
Fine Woodworking Magazine, Summer 1978 No. 11
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