Favorite Finishes: Shellac and Oil Lead the Way
Nearly 6 in 10 say they use one of those two finishes, in the latest Knots pollShellac and oil are favored nearly equally, according to the latest poll on Knots, the online forum on FineWoodworking.com. Together, those two finishes are favored by 57 percent of the respondents. A total of 670 people voted in the poll, which ended on Dec. 18. The graph below gives the details.
Varnish and lacquer tied for third, each drawing 14 percent of the responses. Other finishes, such as Waterlox or homemade recipes, trailed.
Some of the original finishes include these:
“I once built a high chair of stacked plywood. I used to tell people that it was finished with several coats of hand-rubbed oatmeal.”
“I tried water-based finishes a couple of years ago (my first attempt at spray finishing), and I’m a convert.”
“My favorite finish is to sand down to 300, flood with Deft, let sit for about 90 seconds, then wipe off, repeat that when first coat is dry, then rub on and polish with Johnsons Paste wax.”
“I prefer to spray a catalyzed lacquer after a shellac sealer.”
“I like Minwax Polycyclic gloss. It goes on easily, self levels quickly smoothing out brush strokes, and dries fast so there is little chance of dust contamination.”
“Shellac. Followed by Minwax Wipe-On Poly. I’ve also been experimenting with Target Coatings Oxford Ultima Spray Lacquer and I’m liking it a lot.”
My favorite finish is water. It is easy to apply. It does raise the grain but that can be easily fixed. It does not hide the grain of the wood, and it does not build up if you put on multiple layers. It dries well. It is cheap to buy and it does not require expensive brushes or spray equipment to apply. It lets the beauty of the wood shine through perfectly. It lets you commune with the wood in perfect harmony. Of course, it doesn’t provide much protection, but you can’t have everything.”
The poll is a totally unscientific (but, we hope, thoroughly entertaining) part of FineWoodworking.com. There’s a new poll posted on the home page.
Fine Woodworking Recommended Products
Foam Brushes
Odie's Oil
Waterlox Original
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