FWW Poll: Joinery, Turning, Carving Are the Next Skills to Master
9 out of 10 respondents to latest poll say those are the three skills they'd like to tackle nextAccording to the latest poll on Knots, the woodworker’s forum on FineWoodworking.com, the skills most woodworkers want to master next are learning how to cut complex joints, woodturning, or carving. Nine out of 10 of the people who voted selected one of those three choices.
A total of 664 people voted in the poll, which closed on Dec. 31, 2007. the graph below gives the specifics:
Some of the other choices respondents named included these:
“Now, I’d like to learn how to use handplanes.”
“Hand-cut dovetails.”
“CNC carving/routing. By no means do I mean using a machine that costs tens of thousands, but somewhere there has to be a machine between the commercial size and the smaller ones.”
And one wag with a highly developed sense of humor put forth the following:
“I am making bowls and need a quick way to remove the waste from the interior of the bowl. Joinerswork suggested that I use fire to do that. The Indians made canoes that way. I am going to talk to Festool about making a small, portable, highly focused flame thrower, to enable me to burn out the middle of the bowls without damaging the rim. If treated with respect, fire can be your friend in woodworking, but it must be done safely. I am now lining my shop with asbestos to contain any stray flames. That is the next skill that I want to learn. The Indians knew how. There is no reason that I can’t learn it and re-introduce it to the world of woodworking.”
The poll is a totally unscientific but, we hope, thoroughly entertaining, part of Knots. There’s a new poll posted on the home page.
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