Welcome to The Woodworking Life, the community blog from FineWoodworking.com that features woodworking stories and how-to information by none other than you, our viewers.
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Hi Matt, I will be beginning a large (9'x9') mahogany and satinwood breakfront,built to house a 60" flat screen tv in the next few days. This project will incorporate handmade inlays,crotch mahogany doors and a large sandshaded fan arched pediment. I would love to share my progress with with you if you feel this is a project readers would be interested in. This will be my largest project to date after graduating last February from the North Bennet Street School in 08.
Hi, I am a professional woodworker living in South Africa and I have just joined this forum. Still finding my way around computers,so this is a test run! I am hoping to show you later on just what we get up to down here in "darkest" Africa.
Hi kmack,
How does one go about following your progress on the breakfront?
I just saw the front page of the FWW web page for today and saw the plans for Mother's Day projects for kids. I don't think mother would be very happy if her child had lost a finger (notice that bandsaw blade guard is way above the work:not safe) or if he or she had lost an eye (using power tools without safety glasses: regular glasses do not pass for safety glasses). I have recently become a regular subscriber after a long hiatus to the FWW magazine and web page and am dissappointed with the number of safety violations I see in each issue. I believe the premier woodworking magazine should be more vigilant in demonstrating good shop safety. Even if the message is only subliminal.
Hi every one , i was working on a cabinet/drop leaf cutting table for my wifes sewing room. And i was laying out tenons and found it hard to see my scribe lines on my quarter sawn red oak. So i was thinking what i could do, and thought that i use prussian blue for laying out lines when i work with steel so what would work like that for wood. so I tride the roll on paper corection tape that is used to correct type on paper. it worked, lines stayed sharp and accurate and stood out proud. It also scrapes off easy. not sure if anyone ever thought of this before just wanted to throw it out there
Hi Matt,
Just moved into a new home with a 25 X 35 building that will be my future shop. Can you here the smile on my face? I have until about mid June to get the shop ready for the woodworking tools arrival from my other home. I was thinking of starting a blog to share progress, get ideas from folks and maybe, just maybe, provide some motivation for me and others. Like most, I still have to work to support my hobby and my work requires travel (like the next 5 days) so will not be able to contribute on a weekly basis.
Being new to blogging, I could use some tips to make the blog interesting. Let me know what you think.
I have been doing woodworking for about 17 years now. There are a lot of things I need to learn, but in all fairness, I have learned a lot. After thirty years in the hearing health care profession retirement hit me with nothing to do. I had never owned anything more than a hammer and handsaw, and very rarely had an occasion to use them. It just hit me one day that I wanted to do woodworking. The rest is history. My work is pretty decent nowadays.
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