Protect Your Lungs from Harmful Dust with a Dust Mask or Respirator
I admit that I don’t always protect my lungs in the shop when I should. If I’m in a rush or hot and sweaty on a summer day, I’ve been known to “forget” my dust mask when operating power tools that create fine dust particles. However, I’m the first to admit this oversight is downright deadly.
As a fun and friendly reminder to wear your dust mask or respirator, I dug up this YouTube clip from a 1930s film called “The Air We Breathe,” that was created by the Mine Safety Appliances Company (MSA) to illustrate the importance of wearing air respirators.
Mostly it’s just a hoot to watch, but the truth is we should all take this fellow’s advice. (Here’s another clip that re-enacts the history of the dust mask dating back to 500 BC. Did you know the Romans covered their heads with goat bladders to battle dust?)
If you’re in the market for gear to protect your lungs you might want to read our in-depth review on dust masks and respirators from Fine Woodworking issue #201. We’re also featuring a great video with Sandor Nagyszalanczy on our new Fine Woodworking Guide to Safety that compares the different dust protection options available to woodworkers.
If you want to help drive home the importance of wearing dust protection, please share your stories about dust-related safety issues by posting a comment below. You might just save someone’s lungs.

That's why God invented Festool tools.
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