Based on The Essential Workbench by Lon Schleining in Fine Woodworking Winter 2003/2004 with several modifications.
There are 3 major vertical supports with two major drawer boxes for racking stability. The bench dogs are laid out on a symmetrical 8″ pattern for use with either bench vise. The space between the top and the drawer boxes is sealed and has a rear attachment for dust collection to create a down draft.
I am so jealous, nice bench!
I really like your bench. What's the Dimensions? Do you have a web site that has more photos of your bench?
The bench looks fantastic. I would be interested in making one perhaps similar to the one illustrated. Are plans/drawings available that the maker would share with me.
John Goate. Hill Farm, Shutlanger. Northants. NN12 7RX U.K.
I have a PowerPoint presentation that I made for our local woodworking club that I can email that to anyone interested if you send an email address to It has some dimension information. I used the above mentioned article as a starting point and did my own planning and dimensioning for drawers, etc. I do not have a website that was requested by gpdmtr25.
nice bench, great! job, I want one.
Great looking workbench!
Very nice work.
I have just completed a workbench but I need to add a Lie Nielsen vice. My vice design can be either the length displayed on this project or a shorter one. I would like to email Decibe155 about the pros/cons of a large vice block.
My email is: "". I hope you read this and contact me.
really nice
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