I’m a sucker for human vs. electric-powered woodworking contests. The results are not always in favor of one method over another, pointing to the fact that sometimes different tasks can be most efficiently done by hand, and other times by machine. Here’s one woodworking duel that was not at all a turn-off (bad pun intended) but was quite exciting to watch. You can decide for yourself whether the final result tells the whole story. In any case, it was great show, and it reminded me of why I love treadle turning. And it was for a good cause: raising awareness of wood conservation and encouraging the use of local resources. You can read more about treadle turner Robin Wood on his website: www.robin-wood.co.uk.

Robin Wood, pole lathe turner, and his friend go head-to-head to see whether human or electric powered lathes turn out a better bowl.
Hi friend, to me the point is that in the case you work with "shopmade machines" it increases a bit the effort I guess. But you know I´m a giant lover for handtools and if I was asked I´d go for the Man
Once I also saw a contests with dovetails, saw+chisels VS electric router. What I noticed was that if you have to make a number of joints it is obviously the machine is preferable but if you have a pair of dovetail I bet it is quicker making it by hand and more personable
I imagine this is the first reason human looked for machines long time ago
So long and big hug !!
I really think that the guy using the foot powered lathe was a better wood turner than the power lathe guy.
In my opinion the traditional turner is the clear winner in this challenge. His bowl has a more pleasing rounded shape and uniform thickness. The powered lathe produced bowl is conical in shape and way much thicker, and heavier, at the bottom. The old guy cut corners to save time,and it shows.
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