How to Set Up a Bandsaw
Furniture maker Michael Fortune shows you how to properly set up your bandsaw for flawless cuts, every time.
Despite the fact that it’s an incredibly versatile shop tool, a woodworking bandsaw and its proper set-up are often poorly understood by woodworkers. In this video, you’ll learn how to properly set up and fine-tune your bandsaw for perfect rip, resaw, and curved cuts, every time. Michael Fortune tackles a whole host of tips and techniques including:
- Bandsaw blade installation
- Setting bandsaw blade tracking
- Blade guide adjustment
- Back bearing adjustment
- Bandsaw table set up
- Setting your fence for square
Of course, beautiful bandsawing starts with the correct installation of the blade. Be sure to catch our soup-to-nuts tutorial on how to change a bandsaw blade for even more information.
Nice Video!
Great video. On another video it said set the gullet bottom to the high point on the wheel to prevent wander. Which is correct?
very helpful video
Important tip, but not new. Michael has publi this acvice befire. There are other factors that have to be addressed. Tension, shArpness, guide adjustment feed rate. Anything that generates heat. Heat is a villain. It allows the lade to expand in length, decreasing the tension and permitting he blade to move off the centerline of the wheel. Many people believe that every blade has inherent drift. Their coluiion is to adjust the fence.
Finally, call me a scold if you like, but none of this discussion would be necessary if you would simply read the operatt’s manus
What about the lower guides??
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