I want to make a wide book-matched tabletop using large flatsawn boards from a local sawyer. How can I match the grain attractively on these large boards?
Charles Bartunek, Eugene, OR
There are some simple tricks that allow you to book-match large boards, whether they were flatsawn or quartersawn.
First, make sure you purchase consecutively sawn boards. Once they are thoroughly dry and acclimated to your shop, trim a bit from the end of each board so that the growth rings are visible. Stack the boards in sequence and put a reference mark on one side of the end grain across both boards, marking in far enough to clear any waney edges along the board’s length.
Next, open the boards like a book and look for your future joint line by taking string and stretching it end-toend on both planks. Remember, you do not have to stay parallel to the waney edge of the board, and you can adjust the joint line to suit how you envision the book-match.
After you’ve found the best match, snap a chalk line on both boards and then trim the planks 1⁄4 in. wide of the line to allow future fitting.
Finally, flatten and smooth the faces, removing the absolute minimum. As the surfaces become clean, the book-match becomes more apparent. If you don’t like the match where the boards join, remember that you can improve it by slightly adjusting the joint line
Drawings by Kelly J. Dunton
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