Despite its small size, the 25-010 handles big workpieces well, even when planing difficult stock such as wide slabs of white oak. Its plastic gears and light castings aren’t the best choice if you plan to mill boards all day long, but it should suit weekend woodworkers very well.
It’s the only machine with disposable blades, which cannot be sharpened and must be replaced when dull. But disposables are much easier to install. Unlike the other machines, the Rikon requires you to remove the jointer’s infeed table completely during changeover. It’s a lightweight casting and has positive location points, so it’s simple to do. But it is a nuisance to store the table while the machine is in planing mode.
Fine Woodworking Recommended Products
Rikon 10-3061 10-in. Deluxe Bandsaw
The 1⁄2-hp motor has all the power needed to resaw at its maximum capacity of 5 in.
The saw has two speeds: 3,280 sfpm (surface feet per minute) for wood and 1,515 sfpm for soft metals and some plastics.
You’ll need help to get this heavy unit onto its bracket, but if you’re looking for a central dust collector that won’t gobble floor space, this may be the unit for you.
This is the saw I want in my shop. For one, it’s easy to use. All of the controls are easy to reach and manipulate, and the glide mechanism is both robust and smooth. The handle works well for righties and lefties. Then there are added bonuses that no other saw has. For instance, its hold-down is superb, as it can move to different locations, hinges for a greater range of coverage, and actually holds down the work. In addition, the saw has two points of dust collection, letting it firmly beat the rest of the field. The one downside was the saw’s laser, which was so faint we had to turn off the shop lights to see it. Still, all these pluses in a package that fits tight to the wall? That’s a winner for me.
With its graceful curves, cabriole legs, and ornamental back splat, a Queen Anne side chair is a bucket list build for many woodworkers. Dan Faia had a very specific Queen…
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