Every two weeks, a team of Fine Woodworking editors gather together to “talk shop,” and answer reader questions. You can watch the archived video here or catch Episode 4 as a podcast on iTunes.
Shop Talk Live: Episode 3
Be sure to send your woodworking questions to shoptalk@taunton.com, or just click on the image at left. We’ll select the questions for each podcast out of the many that arrive in our in-box every week.
This week, Asa Christiana and Dr. Matt Kenney answer questions from readers and Asa Claims that Matt’s Ph.D does not make him a real doctor. Plus, we brought managing editor Mark Schofield in to answer your questions on finishing.

"Doctor" (from the Latin verb docere--to teach) meant "scholar" long before it was usurped by the physician cabal.
Asa.... When Ed goes to lunch, steal his laptop and delete that annoying sound drop software... Steve M.
Thanks guys, I really look forward to and enjoy this hour of information and entertainment every couple of weeks. Keep up the good work!
I am wondering about something Asa says about a half hour in when talking about the lacquered kitchen cabinets. He says that lacquer makes a great sealer and most anything will stick to it. While certainly true for dewaxed shellac, I'm not so sure it's true for solvent-based lacquers. Personally, I wouldn't try to put a water based finish or a polyurethane over any other kind of top coat without first testing it on a scrap or an inconspicuous spot, and then doing some adhesion tests once it's dry. Adding a wash coat of dewaxed shellac between finishes will, in my non-expert opinion, increase chances of success.
Please do not change a thing,we as woodworkers never get a chance to see the people making our mag. talk about our "hobby" (as you call it) and how you handle the many questions that you get and often are the same things we wonder about.
The humor added a "hold your attention" to the presentation. You also answered the questions without editing them and then edited between one another.
Enjoyed the sound effects also.
More explaination when showing a jig. Place it on the specific machine & demonstrate how it works!
Better yet, just tell us what machine the jig is used with & place material on the jig demonstrating the work flow. Thanks
Thanks, this is a nice addition to FWW communication. Good to see unedited discussion, that addresses current issues in our shops.
I would find it helpful to have a list of the questions addressed on the episode blog page for future reference. As an intermediate woodworker, there is a lot to absorb, and I can imagine it being difficult in the future to remember which video has specific info I would like to review after many of them have been viewed.
The video is superior to the audio podcast in that one may see what is being discussed. What is the possibility of presenting the videos on YouTube, rather than the audio version?
I found the info to be interesting and applicable in my work. The speaker's humor was appropriate and entertaining, but the sound effects were more distracting than funny, and seemed unnecessary.
Hey guys, about time you put something like this together! I listen to audio podcasts on my way to work and was happy to see that you were doing something available via audio. Glad you got the sound sorted out. I have to admit I'm not a big fan of the sound effects. Perhaps used sparingly? Do appreciate the sense of humor though and keeping things light.
I looked up New Hope, PA immediately after the podcast and found I live only about 20 minutes away in NJ (moved here less than 2 years ago). Definitely will be making a pilgrimage there. Many thanks Ed!
I do think you need to make this easier to find on the web site. I found it on iTunes and subscribed (audio), but then came to the site to check out the video and leave this note. Very hard to find without searching. A dedicated page for the series with links to subscribe via iTunes would be helpful. Some people don't use iTunes but subscribe to "podcasts" via the direct URL. Making that available could be done on the show's home page too. Lastly, if you announced this in the regular email I missed it. This is a great series and worth getting the word out.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
How about we not use "Doctor" when you are not operating on my brain.
Doctors run their car out of oil, cut boards too short, are alcoholics and drug addicts just like other people that have not focused their education on one specialty.
LOVE the podcast!!! Thanks for bringing this to us. I like the mix of serious info, and lighthearted banter in the episodes I have listened to so far.
The sound effects are GREAT but you could please tone down the level a bit on them they are overpowering when they pop up while listening. They blast out and at such a high level are more of a distraction than "comedic relief"
Good show,
The light humor and the serious desire to help others is a good balance.
Thank you all for your effort, Dan Campbell
Loving these pod casts. It's really great to have them on in the background while working in the shop. Another vote for less sound effects from me. I prefer Ed's moderating to the FX.
I agree about the sound effects (get rid of them!!!). Actually though, they come off almost insulting, undermining or disrespectful at times (even though I KNOW that is not at all the intention).
I like the banter and information though. Keep it up!
At 50:30 Asa say he got the lumber from the magazine "for cheap" meaning that it was probably his idea to sell it to the employees and set a good price. Lol!
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