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With its graceful curves, cabriole legs, and ornamental back splat, a Queen Anne side chair is a bucket list build for many woodworkers. Dan Faia had a very specific Queen…
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I have seen Mr. Lowe demonstrate previously and love his demonstrations. He is an excellent teacher in my opinion. Thanks for the video.
I agree, so clear, easy to follow and the instruction is obvious for the beginner. Excellent, Thank you.👴🏻🇦🇺
good job, Phil, great video!
Brilliant; great teaching.
A seemingly complex job broken down into a series of quite simple jobs, then executed in the logical order. Inadvertently demonstates that when you design something, then you should also design how to make it.
Great job and teaching. I always love your projects and teaching methods. A real Pro!
Randy G
Great introduction into making legs, I'm ready to give it a try!
Well done and good attention to detail. After my recent Cabriole legs sheraton legs are also elegant. Thanks
I’ve really enjoyed this video. Many thanks. It combines eloquence with skill.
Superlative instructional videos. I suspect the driving force behind Mr. Lowe's video teaching skills is that he (fortunately!) did not learn how to transfer knowledge by watching and mirroring the plethora of YouTube woodworking videos. With but a few delightful exceptions, most of those other videos are both abysmal and utter waste of time. Typically in those other videos, we are subjected to endlessly repetitive scenes of numerous pieces of wood being reduced in size with the only sound being a screaming power tool or saw in the background. No accompanying explanation of the goals and/or procedures and no human voice until the very end -- and then that voice usually only attempts to coax us into subscribing to their channel to improve their YouTube statistics and achieve a certain number of subscribers. We are forced to endure an assemblage of an unclear, confusing litany of actions that are meant (I guess???) to impresses us with their "unbelievable prowess" as a craftsman. Mr. Lowe both explains and shows techniques throughout the entirety of all his videos. What a concept! And by the way . . . His skill as a true craftsman of the highest order is self-evident. ~ Dan Mays - Walcott, Iowa
RIP Phil; you were certainly a master woodworker, turner, carver, teacher.
Stunning breadth and depth of skills as both a craftsman and teacher.
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