This one literally landed in my e-mail in-box this afternoon. It’s a very nice 5-minute segement with Indiana furniture-maker Randall O’Donnell, demonstrating his craft and talking about why he is drawn to furniture-making in general and period furniture specifically.
O’Donnell’s website is also worth a look. portfolio includes a beautifully crafted highboy, a bombe chest, piecrust table and other period gems. The video includes snippets of him carving a ball-and-claw foot, dovetailing a drawer and doing some ornamental turning at the lathe. He also offers his thoughts on the inspirational nature of handmade work.
Very much worth the 5 minutes.
Steve Scott

Looks good!
Way cool post. I'm not into period furniture but I love me some hand tools. Please post more inspirational stuff like this. Way to go Randy.
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