Every year, the crack web video staff here at Fine Woodworking hits the road to produce 8-10 Video Workshop series as well as at least 15-20 video shorts covering a variety of tips and techniques for furniture makers.
When you’re either in front of, or behind the camera that often, things can get a wee bit boring-and that’s generally when the comedian in all of us comes out. Case in point: Appleton, Maine furniture maker Tim Rousseau’s outtake from an upcoming series. In this quick outtake, Tim cooks up a special entrée for executive web producer Mather Dolph. Enjoy!
Be sure to catch Tim’s 2012 Video Workshop series on building an Asian-Inspired Hall Table.

Furniture maker Tim Rousseau doesn't really eat possum-not that there's anything wrong with that.
Where exactly does Tim live? The photo you used is of a Brushtail Possum, from Australia.
Assuming Tim is in the US, what he's going to be cooking up is a Virginia Opossum.
Damn that was funny! Tims got mad skills.
So, what's your next video... Build my possum trap? I thought you were a vegetarian...
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