Extend the Length of Your Woodworking Clamps
Make your woodworking clamps longer with this simple jig and save a bundle of money in the processIf there’s one thing woodworkers need a lot of, it’s wood clamps. Trouble is, clamps are expensive and from time-to-time, a furniture maker gets to the point of a dry-fit, only to discover that the clamps available aren’t quite long enough.
When faced with wood clamps that were too short for a tabletop glue-up, Fine Woodworking reader Andy Olerud decided to create a jig that would extend the reach of his clamps. In this Mastered in a Minute video tip, Fine Woodworking senior web producer Ed Pirnik shows you how it’s done.
More from FineWoodworking.com:
- Clever Wooden Clamps
- Wood Jaws Extend the Reach of Clamps
- Parallel-Jaw Clamps Make a Handy Board Jack
- Improvised Vice Uses Common Clamps
- Supercharge Your Clamp With a Screwdriver Assist
Sweet! So simple - I'm going to make a batch of these! Thanks
why make what you already have? Just turn a clamp around & use it to extend the clamping length when you need to. I learned this from my dad, over 50 years ago.
One of the best tips ever posted, simple and effective.
be careful as this method will pinch the planks with the clamp pressure stronger on one edge. Using cauls to keep planks flat will help.
Nice one!
blue tape?
One reason why I have used 3/4" pipe clamps for over 60 years....... I have enough 3/4" pipe to start a plumbing supply store. I do have a large supply of Jorgenson F bar clamps with 3' being the longest. As I no longer build cabinets and furniture, these are adequate for the clocks that I build. What happened to the age old advice to alternate clamps on both sides, reducing the cupping inherent with clamps on only one side??
This is just a note for the FW video production team, please ignore if like me, you just came here for the clamping tip.
Does anyone need that music bed? I don’t need to have clamping made exciting by blasting music at me. It’s like trying to have someone tell you how to extend your clamps while sitting three tables away from the band’s PA in a loud bar. I would like that music in a bar, and I would like to hear the instructions. But laying them together with the music level competing with the V/O makes me *struggle* not to click out - your overly driving music is literally driving me away.
Have to agree with the music comment. It is becoming far too common on so many websites. Don’t let our woodworking videos suffer the same fate !!
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