Scenes from the NWA Showcase
In 1991 eight amateur woodworkers got together and formed an organization dedicated to woodworking. Today, membership in The Northeastern Woodworkers Association (in the Albany, NY area) numbers over 900. For the past 25 years the group has also been hosting a judged woodworking show and this year, on April 2-3, they will be doing it again with the 25th Annual NWA Woodworkers’ Showcase.
The 1st show, in 1991, was held in a local lumber store with the goal of establishing member camaraderie and increasing membership. That show included 290 entries and drew 2000 visitors. Not a bad start for the small group of 18 members.
Over the years the membership in the group continued to grow, as did the size of the show. The show went from the lumber store to a local high school, and in 1995 the NWA took a bold step and secured 22,000 square feet at the Saratoga Springs City Center. That year the show drew over 6000 visitors to see more than 525 woodworking exhibits. Today, the NWA Showcase occupies over 75,000 square feet at the Saratoga Springs City Center and has become one of the largest woodworking shows in the country. And it is more than an exhibition.
The Showcase includes the exhibit room with all sorts of displays including furniture, sculpture, accessories, carvings, scrollwork, intarsia, marquetry and musical instruments. In recent years the 900 + members exhibited close to 650 pieces. There are additional rooms dedicated to special exhibits such as the making of wooden musical instruments, jigs and fixtures. In addition to the exhibits there is a section for vendors selling wood, tools, equipment and accessories and live demonstrations take place throughout the show. Also popular at the Showcase are free woodworking lectures by nationally known and local woodworkers. (This year, Fine Woodworking’s contributing editor Garrett Hack and frequent contributor Philip Lowe are among the lecturers). The “Totally Turning Symposium” is also a part of the NWA Showcase and includes lectures and demonstrations by nationally known and local turners and a gallery of turned pieces.
In addition to the annual show, the Northeastern Woodworkers Association has a fully equipped shop, holds monthly meetings and educational seminars, and donates time and energy to many local charities. The NWA is a dedicated group of folks who seem to have something for everyone. They’ve been going strong for 25 years and look forward to the next 25.
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