Lapped miter bits by Infinity
Router bits cut better mitersMITER JOINTS ARE ATTRACTIVE, but they’re not the strongest case joint. Infinity Cutting Tools has introduced a set of router bits that cut a lapped miter joint, which looks just as good as a standard miter but is easier to clamp and align and increases the amount of glue surface in the joint. Also, unlike standard miter joints, which can slide under clamping pressure, lapped miters stay square and aligned.
The bits run and cut smoothly, and work with material between 1⁄2 in. and 3⁄4 in. thick. The bit set includes a setup block for 3⁄4-in.-thick parts, and you can buy a setup block for 1⁄2-in.-thick parts (SET- 509, $10). These jigs speed up the process of dialing in the bits’ height, but you’ll still need to cut some test joints. Overall, the bits and setup jigs cut a nice joint.
—Peter Breu
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Good to see the improved ease of assembly, but is the increased gluing area meaningful or sales pitch? And does replacing 45 degree glued faces with end-on-flat grain increase or decrease joint strength? A simple joint strength test would be useful.
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