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Isn't this Andy Klein's idea he even took it further and now has a table saw blade and paired up with Rockler to sell on the market
While this is similar to the technique Andy and his tablesaw blade use, it's definitely not a new idea. In the magazine the reader who submitted the idea credits seeing it years ago on the Woodwright's shop.
Could some one tell me what size v grove bit was used.
1" 90º v-groove bit.
Will the veneer break much and if it does will it affect how the tray goes together.
Thanks Cusoak
It wouldn't affect anything. We used baltic birch which has a thicker outside layer, so we didn't have any issues.
This is an awesome tip! Def going to use this!
I made one of these drawers yesterday and the it came out great the first time. used 1/2 plywood.
Now I am wondering about making a drawer/ tray out of 3/8 plywood, if you would need a smaller v grove bit.
Any thoughts about that.
Also in searching for the correct router bit I came across a web site that sold v groove bits for doing the same thing to metal. And further down the page there was a saw type blade that would do the same thing, cut groves to bend metal. Jeff
The same bit will work for 3/8"... just don't raise it as much. Crazy metalworkers!
Thanks for the replies.
Off subject question, have you ever seen a router lift for Dewalt 625 plunge router.
Once again , a good reason to subscribe to the online edition . It's one of the best tools in my shop. This tip is going to save me a lot of time . I have 20 small drawers to build . Thanks .
Great tip. Diggin' the content on the site.
Nice tips thanks for tips
Any idea how well these miter joints will hold up over time?
I made a few of these in preparation for making this video, and two years later they are holding up great!
I think two micro walnut splines on each corner would add strength and looks but the joints should hold up fine by themselves
In 2011 Wood Magazine did a piece on this approach, made famous by Martyn Brewer, the 'boxologist'. Martyn and Wood Magazine used solid wood. Martyn glues up alternating widths of alternating colors of woods to create some crazy patterns.
I made a cribbage board and some other boxes with this approach.
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