Explore diverse woodturning topics at AAW’s 2020 International Symposium
This year’s event, expected to draw as many as 1,500 attendees, will be held at the Kentucky Expo Center, in Louisville, Kentucky, June 4-7.I’d like to extend a friendly invitation to the Fine Woodworking community to join us “twirlers” (a Garry Knox Bennett term) at AAW’s 34th Annual International Symposium. This year’s event, expected to draw as many as 1,500 attendees, will be held at the Kentucky Expo Center, in Louisville, Kentucky, June 4-7.

The nonprofit AAW—American Association of Woodturners—holds an incredible international conference each year, and Louisville 2020 will not disappoint. If you’ve explored woodturning at all, you know the creative possibilities are endless. An impressive lineup of 28 demonstrators (not to mention an array of discussion panelists) will cover many areas of interest at all skill levels. Topics will include skill-building projects, segmenting, embellishment methods such as piercing, carving, pyrography, and painting, box and bowl turning, spindle turning, multiaxis turning, penmaking, hollow forms, German ring turning, wood hat turning, and more.
Some of the Highlights
Bird’s eye view

Expert demonstrations are displayed on TV monitors, so you’ll get an unsurpassed view right over the turner’s shoulder, no matter where you sit.
Vendor fair

The Woodturning Tradeshow is like no other. More than 50 vendors demo’ing and selling a vast array of turning tools and accessories—not to mention lathes.
Live and silent auctions give you a chance to own turned works by some of the biggest names in woodturning. An opportunity you won’t find anywhere else.
Maker gallery

Gallery-style exhibitions presented by AAW curator Tib Shaw, featuring juried work by both professional and hobbyist turners alike. Truly amazing work on display!
Plus there will be an Instant Gallery with thousands of turned objects made by Symposium attendees, comprising the largest display of turned work under one roof. Many of the objects are for sale.
I hope you’ll join us in Louisville and see for yourself what all the excitement is about. Believe me—the AAW Symposium is truly a remarkable event, both educational and inspiring. For a complete list of expert demonstrators, click on the pdf below.

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Having attended quite a few of these events I can attest to the fact that they are really remarkable. I remember my first. I had never even imagined that it was possible to do some of the things that were being demonstrated. There are more than 100 demonstrations over the three days.
It's well worth the trip to come and see.
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