JessEm Stainless-Steel Precision Rules and Squares
Rules and squares stay put for accurate marking.
Whether you are laying out joinery with a marking knife, or penciling a design on paper, squares and rules sometimes shift off the mark. These innovative models from JessEm solve that problem with flexible, abrasive tabs that prevent shifting. I found them very effective in my tests, on both paper and hardwood.
While holding down the rule or square in the usual way, you just make sure your fingers are on one or two of the tabs, and you’re good to go.
The squares are available in 6-, 8-, and 12-in. sizes, and rules are available in sizes between 6 and 24 in. If I had to choose one of each, I’d go with the 12-in. square and 18-in. rule.
These are beautiful tools, made from stainless steel with finely etched markings. Each square also has small tabs that pull out of the fence to keep the square level with the workpiece, and each comes with a magnetized hanger board, which holds it securely.
—Asa Christiana is editor at large.
JessEm Stainless Steel Precision Rules and Squares
$25 to $110
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