1/4 spiral upcut bit safety problem

Just bought a 1/4 spiral upcut bit to use in a Dewalt compact plunge router. All my other bits have a shoulder at about 1 1/4 ” that stops the bit from dropping further into the collet. This new bit has a 1 !/4 cutter and then a 1 1/4 shaft, but no shoulder, so it drops in until only 1/2 ” maximum of the cutter sticks out…not enough to reach where I want a groove cut.
Can I just not insert it so far into the collet? Just hold it in position while I tighten it? There would still be ! 1/4 of shaft for gripping, just like other bits. Does anyone know if it’s safe to do that?
Carbide bit
This is normal for this style bit as it is a solid piece of carbide. Insert the bit into your collet, stopping shy of where the flutes start.
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