100% Tung Oil on Walnut Rifle Stock

Last year I bought a surplus M1 Garand which came with a new walnut stock. I’ve applied a few coats of 100% Tung Oil, applying a liberal amount, letting it sit for approximately an hour, and wiping off the excess. Then let it dry/cure for at least a week before lightly sanding/buffing with 400 grit sandpaper or 0000 steel wool before applying the next coat. The finish is not consistent as I thought it might be, and has patches of matte and patches of satin. Any ideas as to why this might be and how I should proceed? I was hoping for a historically accurate and matte finish. Thanks.
I doubt a weapons maker ever went to 400 grit. Now that it is properly oiled I think you should work backwards through the grits until you get to where you think it is period-correct.
Please remember that all weapons were stored in cosmoline.... if you want you can let it sit in a hot sun and wipe it and see if it leaches any oils... my own personal preference and please by no means accept it as fact but as a way of getting my forearm checkering cleaned up is Dawn dish soap and a toothbrush.... I find dawn works for cleaning allergens out of my eyes to stripping wax of a car. ymmv