Gosh, there really isn’t anything out there. Penn State et al. have bags, but not for that model. On Delta’s website they list what they call an improved bag with better dust retention, but they don’t give any specs. May be worth checking with one of their tech reps. Here’s the link:
I know I have seen the felt fabric they use for the 0.3 micron bags for sale somewhere, but can’t remember the source. If I find it, I’ll let you know.
thanx jk appreciate the link.
Penn State Industries does sell the fabric. If Delta's bags don't provide sufficient particulate filtering, these will work. Rated for 1 micron - not the highest rating, but perhaps more honest. Have you considered uning filters instead?
Sorry, it won't link to the product page, only the home page. Just type "fabric" in the search.
Edited 4/24/2003 7:22:40 AM ET by Jeff K
jeff; i am considering filter instead of bag , dont know if it would work , pipe out of side ,into filter , then extra holding container, is this right? i dont have any dust build up on or near collector . just trying to improve set up. using 50-180 2 stage barrell type got it at good price , only 1 hp but it really draws, manual says not good for ducted sys but seems to work fine no blockages been using for 2 mo pretty hard . 6in main w/ 5in & 4in drops all gated. col rated at 750 so i guess i am getting half that piped in . would filters improve this ? started out backwards coll first but i didnt know this was a science. startd getting prices on duct parts , wow unreal prices on stuff. made out of stove pipe, 45 wyes , long swwep els got some with unit . 35ft run is longest to table saw , rad arm,jointer bandsaw , planer , and even built floor sweep, everything works pretty good , but i dont have any comparisons , first time deal. read alot on line about topic , i know its a small unit but ut seems to work ok. do you have dc in shop? thanx talk to ya later////
Not at all sure on the specifics of your DC. Why not try this site:
Bill Pentz will be more than happy to answer your questions and give some expert advice. Good luck.
American Filter Fabric will make you a custom filter bag for a reasonable price. http://www.americanfabricfilter.com/bags.htm
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