2nd try at getting the pics to post.
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I will not explain this well - but I'll try.
When I had problems posting photos it turned out that I was not waiting long enough for my photo to load to the site. When you click to select the photo you have selected, you must wait as long as a minute or two for the title you have selected to pop-up on the screen.
Hope this helps.
Since you are speaking of posting pictures, I thought I'd post these for your entertainment.
I'm a manager in an engineering office for a engineered wood products company. Each week I post a message in the window of my office that I hope will inspire, provoke thought, or in some way lighten the spirits of those who do the real work out on the floor.
Attached is this week's message.
Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral.
Frank Lloyd Wright
Rennie, those pics could use some serious cropping! <grin> Unless you open them in a separate window and let Internet Explorer down-size them, the screen is filled with mini-blinds and nothing else. Too funny.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
I considered it.....but wanted to maintain the feeling of "office-where-little-gets-done" ;o)
Regard it as just as desirable to build a chicken house as to build a cathedral. Frank Lloyd Wright
Edited 6/16/2006 11:18 am by Rennie
d , While I am certainly not an expert I can offer up my own experiences with posting pics here . I was unable to attach the pics until I resized them to a much smaller file size ( under 100 kb ) works great and those of us on dial up can open them easily . Hopefully you have a photo editing program , if not the free version of Irfanview can be downloaded and works great .
good luck dusty
Size is not the problem, I have more than a few image editing programs. I recently started using Internet Explorer for this forum instead of my prefered Firefox and I think that is where the problem lies. I don't trust IE and I probably have it screwed down too tight for security.
Since the house is on fire let us warm ourselves. ~Italian Proverb
Yup , I have also heard the security being at too high of a setting can cause these problems as well .
good luck dusty
dgreen -- are you getting the pop-up window for the posting activity?? Where does the process go wrong for you???forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
I get the pop up, hit browse and select the file, press upload and done. Everything acts normal .
Since the house is on fire let us warm ourselves. ~Italian Proverb
Unscrewed security a couple of turns. Here goes nothing....
Since the house is on fire let us warm ourselves. ~Italian Proverb
Dave, you got it! (I think not waiting long enough can be part of the problem).
So now you can make mega nut crackers?Philip Marcou
Don's the name, not sure where I got the Dave moniker but Dave's not here! Could crack coconuts with the big screw! I was hoping the bits would be here by today but no such luck. Can't wait to try it with the right tooling.
Since the house is on fire let us warm ourselves. ~Italian Proverb
Sorry Don-memory failure, but did try to confirm correct name from your profile....Philip Marcou
My fault, I went light on the profile at first being new to the forum. I already get enough junk mail to heat a house and I try not to give the spam filters too much of a workout. I'll add more as I get more comfortable.
I should add that I have really enjoyed the time I have spent on this forum and have learned some things that were very useful to me. I have also enjoyed the witty repartee with those who I have not always agreed with. I have had no spam or objectionable e-mails and my comfort level is rising....
Since the house is on fire let us warm ourselves. ~Italian Proverb
Edited 6/17/2006 1:35 am by dgreen
Cool, Don, you done did it! Wow, that second shot made me dizzy almost.
Did you wait longer that time, or was it just the security settings?
I took some pictures tonight of my new rolling planer set-up but they were so cluttered, I couldn't bear to post 'em. The planer looks like it has two DC hoses coming out of it!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
It was the security settings on my hardware firewall. I don't trust IE and had it pretty restricted. Please post the pictures, I like clutter, makes me feel at home!
Since the house is on fire let us warm ourselves. ~Italian Proverb
It took almost a year to find out why I couldn't load images from my computer on to this forum. The Attach Files button option available when composing a message simply wouldn't work. I'm using Windows XP and Internet Explorer along with Norton Internet Security.
The answer, which I worked out only the other day, was while viewing Taunton's Knots to click on the Norton Internet Security icon visible at the top of my screeen and remove the tick mark that was next to the 'Block popups on this site' option.
Now the Attach Files box opens, but I've no reason to attach a picture, ha, ha. However, somebody else may find my solution useful if they're having the same problem. Slainte.Richard Jones Furniture
Hi Richard, long time no see. He wasn't having trouble getting the pop-up box, from what he was saying. Something else was going on.
Someone over in the UK was looking for some specialized piece of hardware the other day. I suggested he post a "Hey, Richard!" thread but I don't guess he ever did. [Ahhhh, yes, here it is: http://forums.taunton.com/fw-knots/messages?msg=30362.1 ]
Another example of folks not giving crucial information, LOL! "Oh, you live on that side of the ocean!"
Bend an elbow for me, take care!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
I'll go and give him an answer, fg. I've not been hiding-- just haven't been inspired to answer much lately, plus I'm much too busy for my own good really. I'm working on a huge series of articles on top of my normal work. Slainte.Richard Jones Furniture
Glad to hear about the new articles. Hope you'll let us know when/where they debut! I picked up the 100th issue of Woodwork tonight.forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
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