I have an old jointer that I suspect was brought in from Europe. I have been able to use it to clean up an edge for gluing BUT if there is almost any bow in the board the ‘lead’ end of the board ends up significantly narrower than the ‘tail’ end. I have checked that the in-feed and out-feed tables are parallel. In most cases I have resorted to hand jointing. Ideas would be a help.
This is my first time on a forum and I don’t check it often so be patient waiting for my responses.
I found this article and procedure to be very helpful: https://www.finewoodworking.com/project-guides/shop-machines/how-to-tune-up-any-jointer There are other articles on Fine Woodworking that can be helpful. If the infeed and outfeed tables are co-planer then check the relationship of the outfeed table to the cutter head knives. If the outfeed table is too low it can give you a tapered result that you describe. It does not take much. There are always a lot of answers and opinions on this site. Find a good article and procedure and follow it.
Your outfeed table height is not correct relative blade height. Set a steel rule on edge over the knives, if more than one check them all and across the width. With the rule balanced on edge rotate the knives by hand and the blade should drag the rule forward ever so slightly, I like a ¹/16 or less others say more.
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