Just received new Powermatic 2000 and in process of setting it up. What are acceptable tolerances for blade/ miter slot allignment, fence blade alignment, and runout. Does everything have to be 0.0000?
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You will never be able to get a table saw set up to .0000" which means working to a ten thousandths of an inch. Most machine tools are typically only machined to tolerances of a few thousandths, .000". Working to ten thousandths means having to compensate for air temperature and the ground beneath the machine vibrating from passing traffic.
There is no adjusting for runout so whatever you've got is what you have to live with. Most quality saws come pretty close to zero runout on the arbor flange.
A well made saw can usually be tuned up to get the blade parallel to the miter slot, and the fence parallel to the blade within a thousandths or two over 8 inches, i.e. .001 to .002. I've often times managed to get everything reading virtually zero, but I doubt if that last thou has any practical value.
In all of this your skill and experience with measuring so that you are getting true, unbiased readings from the instruments counts for a lot.
John White
Thanks for the information. I did get the miter slot to blade (actually Master Plate) to <0.001 and left the fence out at the back .002- .003. Blade runout is .001. Hope this is close enough as just manipulating the guage is tricky. Thanks again.
You should be fine.John W.
One thing I forgot to mention is that I have about a 0.004- 0.005 hump in the fence about 12-14" in from the front. I am going to try to tighten the screw that holds the UHMW plastic in place to see if that helps. Once again I do not know if this is acceptable if this does not cure the problem. Your input would be appreciated. Thanks.
I have the same saw and I had to do alot of adjusting. With the fence the plastic was in and out over the lenght. Adjusting the bolts didn't seem to help, so I ended up clamping a 2x4 to the saw and I ripped the fence with the plastic all tighten up, taking off as little as possible. It worked great but left the plastic a little rough, so I bought some of that slick tape that they make for jigs.
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