Adapt Delta Shaper 43-122 for 1/2″ bits

I just purchased a used Delta shaper 43-122, which has the 1/2″ cutter spindle. I would like to use my standard 1/2″ router bits in this shaper rather than investing in a bunch of new cutters for a hobby home shop. I’ve seen 1/4″ adapters for this, which I don’t think are safe to use, but I figure the 1/2″ should be fine. Any ideas and suggestions?
As far as I know they never made a 1/2" collet for that shaper. They made one model after that using most of the same castings but with the motor under rather than behind the machine that did take 1/2" router bits but unfortunately the spindle parts are not backwards compatible with your machine.
You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.
Jack London
atoma , You know the rpm on that shaper is probably 1/2 of your routers , I would be cautious . Very large router bits can turn at lower speeds but little gain will come from this with router bits in general imo.
A good router and table can do wonders , a well powered shaper can do more .
At some point depending on the type of work a shaper can be a good thing ,the picture is probably the oldest I have , it came over on the Mayflower .It stays set up for raised panels .
regards dusty
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