Adjusting knives spring loaded jointer knives- HELP!

I am looking desperately for any advice/techniques and/or methods to adjusting spring loaded jointer knives. (simpler=better for me).
I own a Laguna 10″ combination planer/jointer and this is my first time changing any knives on a jointer much less this unit. It seems like after much research and the requisite hours of frustation spent I am now backed into a corner on this. Any advice or direction with this operation would be much appreciated as I am now having to step slowly away from my machine and have not dared open the garage door for a couple days now to avoid looking at it…..
See this post for setup
Similar issue.
So you are having a similar issue?
all the methods I seem to come across focus mainly on jointers where the knives are adjusted via screws and the jointer blades lie in the head loosly without any upward thrust that you have to combat against.
Setting Knives
Your first mistake was buying a machine from Laguna tools, not a good idea.
With that said, normally with spring loaded knives, you should have received a handheld jig that indexes to the round cutterhead, , the springs will push the knives to the notches in the jig as it is held against the cutterhead. The screws are then tightened securing the knives. Perhaps you don't have the jig...
Good luck with Laguna
Hi Ralph
8 yrs later so I know this is a long shot...
I have the same machine. Don’t know exactly what your challenge was but I can’t strike the right balance on setting the knives so that they work well in jointer mode AND in planer mode. Either it cuts great as jointer but doesn’t even touch the wood as a planer or vice versa. Do you know any tricks?
I had a Hitachi planer that had spring loaded knives that were easy to adjust with jig they provided. Do you not have any type of knife setting guide?
Barring that was the tool working well before you removed the knives? If so, have you adjusted the outfeed table of the jointer? If not I would think if you set the knives properly for jointing operations they would be be exactly in the same position as before. The key is to make sure you are setting the knives at exact top dead center. There are magnetic knife setting gauges that will work with most jointers to make the task easier. Just set the jig on the outfeed table and rotate the cutter head until reaching TDC then tighten the screws. I confess that I have no idea how you machine is designed, but I'm assuming it's a convertible European style jointer planer with a common set of knives.
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