Advice Needed About Permanently Removing a Door sill

Hi, forum newbie here.. 🙂
I’m looking for advice about permanently removing an indoor door sill. I’ve a double door connecting the hall and dining room. I’ll be laying laminate floor in both rooms and it would look much nicer if it’s continuous between the rooms, without the sill.
Are there any reasons why I shouldn’t do this? Does the sill perform any structural or other important function?
With the caveat that I am not a qualified engineer or builder:
The sill is almost never structural and it should be safe to remove it. You will not miss 18mm or less off most members anyway.
They are usually added after floorboards - you can easily check to see if the boards seem to run through underneath it then it's just a decorative connection.
That having been said, unless you have a well-sealed home, the sill does help with draught-proofing. Laminate floors don't interrupt draughts like carpet can so you may find you miss it after all.
I have been caught going round my home with a candle looking for the source of draughts...
Sill. Threshold. Aesthetics. A piece that small is insignificant and isn't structural, unless I came in late.
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