Am I supposed to Tip Freight Drivers?

Hi All,
OK, this morning I have a delivery coming from Grizzly (a 7943 drill press). I have never had a tool delivered via frieght company before. I’ve always had it delivered UPS or I’ve bought it from a store.
Am I supposed to tip the driver? If so, how much?
What’s the etiquette here?
If I’m just crazy, let me know.
Edited 8/2/2004 9:35 am ET by Matthew Schenker
Matthew ,
Do you tip the U.P.S. drivers ? Or Federal Express drivers ? The majority of freight truck on the road drivers are members of the Teamsters union and probably are paid well with all the benefits. Now if you ask the driver to help you carry your machine way up those stairs to your shop and help you un - crate it , then by all means tip the driver . Generally the drivers job is to go to the correct address and deliver the goods to the tailgate of the truck.
good luck dusty
Thanks for the tip -- no pun intended!
I just need the driver to lower the box onto the driveway. Nothing else.
I was just wondering, since I never dealt with freight deliveries before.
Actually, the whole institute of tipping gets me nervous all the time. I traveled a lot with my family when I was a child, and my mother was constantly tipping everyone. My father, on the other hand, was always shaking his head and making fun of my mother. So it got me all confused about when to do it!!!
When I had my Jet stuff delivered three years ago by Yellow Freight the driver dragged everything into my garage, er, shop. (Cabinet saw, drill press, jointer 15" Planer and Band Saw). He didn't complain one bit and was generally a nice person.
Tipped him a $20.00
When I got my MiniMax stuff last year delivered by a local forwarder, the driver struggled to get the combo off the truck nearly falling off the lift for his efforts. He dropped all 1,500# of the combo in my garage, facing the right direction. The next thing was the 400# band saw, which was too tall to fit under the door, so he waited while I SawzAlled the crating off and then moved the BS into my garage.
Tipped him a $50.00
I don't tip FedExers or UPS Brown guys, but then they don't move shop equip around either.
Michael in San Jose
"In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted." Bertrand Russell
Thanks for replying!
In my case, it was a simple drop. My house is close to the curb, so it was easy to drop it of. Took more time to sign the paperwork than it did to drop the box down!
Both of my delivery guys went the extra whatever amd really helped me out.
I guess it is the liberal in me, acknowledging and wanting to reward extra effort._________________________________
Michael in San Jose
"In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted." Bertrand Russell
guess it is the liberal in me, acknowledging and wanting to reward extra effort.
Actually, the liberal position would be to reward them for not doing jack-shi*.
What you did was nice, but I wouldn't attribute it to self-identifying as a liberal.
Lighten up!!_________________________________
Michael in San Jose
"In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted." Bertrand Russell
That was light.
Ok Ok, it was just a joke.
Obviously, liberals and conservatives both tip.
Tipping rates:
Liberals - 15 to 20% because they can afford it.
Conservatives - what's a tip, they should work two jobs if they can't afford to live on one job.
Sorry! We should take this conversation down to the Cafe where tipping is allowed.
Michael in San Jose
"In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted." Bertrand Russell
Edited 8/3/2004 5:12 pm ET by MICHAELP
I guess it's the liberal in me (and in my family) that makes me feel guilty if I don't do the right thing.
Eleven years ago, I lived in the Manhattan ( I had no woodshop) where you tipped people for just saying "thank you." Anyway, at that time I bought two KD furniture from IKEA in New Jersey and had them delivered for $50. They were medium sized pieces and didn't require brute strength to carry them. I just couldn't fit them on the bus coming back. Two guys dropped off the stuff. they were late and incredibly rude. One shmuck shouted as he was leaving "no tip!" I said f*** your mother you a***h***! I paid good money for delivery!"
I'd say they didn't deserve a tip, but it's up to you. I think courteous people deserve a tip if it's warranted.
I have a business (not a hobby).
I always make sure I have help to unload trucks. If I don't have help, I pick up at the freight depot.
I don't. I offer them some pop and use of the bathroom.
"Sir, I may be drunk, but you're crazy, and I'll be sober tomorrow" -- WC Fields, "Its a Gift" 1934
When I received my unisaw I tipped the driver $10 as the incline on my driveway made it a b*tch for him to roll it down without tipping it. I felt since it was sort of a non-normal delivery it was deserved.
Only if he brings a pizza with it.
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy (maker of fine sawdust!)
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