Is AMT American Machinery and Tool Company out of business? I use to get their tool catalogs all the time but I haven’t heard anything from them in a long long time.
Is AMT American Machinery and Tool Company out of business? I use to get their tool catalogs all the time but I haven’t heard anything from them in a long long time.
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I used to live in Royersford Pa, where they had a plant but haven't been by lately. I'll have to make a trip and stop over and see what's up.
According to the Old Wood-Working Machines website they are now in the pump business, and don't have any information on their former wood-working machine products.
My first lathe and scroll saw were AMT along with some hand tools like taps and dies. I bought them about 20 years ago and they weren't bad quality tools for the money. Comparable to Grizzly back in the day. I remember they used to sell big bandsaws and jointers and had a line of replacement electric motors. I use to get their catalog along with Leichtung Workshops which I guess their out of business too since I haven't heard from them in decades either.
Leichtung Workshop still exists as a division of Woodworker's Supply. AMT as a woodworking tool company hasn't been operating for a long time. I think their stuff was about the same quality as the late Woodworkers Warehouse (Trendlines). Twenty years ago I got a few handtools from them and a motor for an old Sears tilt-table saw. Their stuff was okay but not great.
I still use their 6" jointer, excellent tool regardless of the cost. As far as quality goes, I suppose they compared with average taiwan tools.If I recall they have been out of business at least 25 years.
I am looking at a 1997 AMT catalog reight now so they were in business 15 years ago. All I can find now is refernces to pumps etc.
I am having an adventure attempting to find a cross reference for a replacement motor for an AMT 6" jointer model 4122. I have the GE nameplate model 5KC37LN494HY. Can anyone offer suggestions?
It's very difficult to chase down those G.E. numbers.
What might prove easier is matching the specs listed on the motor.
1. Horsepower
2. Speed (in rpm)
3. Frame size (so the mounting bolt hole pattern matches)
4. Shaft diameter (so your original pulley fits)
5. Rotation direction (or purchase a motor that can be wired to rotate either way)
Also take note of whether the motor is:
Open-air cooled (will have holes through which you can see inside the motor)
Total Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)
TEFC motors are pretty much the standard for woodworking machines these days because they keep the dust out but they are a bit larger due to the addition of the cooling fan.
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