Antique Mirror (Oyster/Crotch Veneer?)

Does anyone know what kind of wood this might be?
What I can make out of the tag on the back is “Looking Glass Manufactory and Fancy Hardware Store” – seemingly Northeast USA (NY or PA)?
Looks like it could be an Oyster Laburnum/Walnut Veneer?
Maybe American “William and Mary” period “looking glass” though I am somewhat of a novice…
The body is some generic hardwood. It's hard to say with a century or so of age. But the wood on the face is a veneer. Lots if small bits of crotch mahogany is my guess.
Looks late 18th century. Wood on the back panel is hand planed. The square or rectangular shape is right for William and Mary. Many of the earlier looking glass frames would have a shaped crest. Crotch veneer could be walnut also. Because the tag on the back ID's this mirror to made in America I think you have a W&M revival. Great find. These were only in the homes of the most wealthy at the founding of this nation.
Thanks for the info! Backing wood is absolutely hand planed. The glass is the original 0.3125” thick. Overall dimensions are 25.8125” W x 39.875” H - monstrously heavy at 24lbs. Very interested in finding out more about this beautiful unique piece!
The glass is too big for 18th century. The veneer pattern isn't right either. I would guess 1830, give or take.
The method of casting Glass was developed in France in the 17th century, however the procedure was not in widespread use in England and America until late in the 18th century. Veneer pattern on many William and Mary examples will run contrary to other periods. When things get moving again I would suggest you try and find out more about the label.
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