Any comments on Woodtek 25″ drum sander

I am looking for a drum sander that will handle greater than 20″ width material in one pass. The Woodtek 25″ drum sander looks like a lot of equipment for a decent price. Does anyone have any experience with this product? Any other suggestions?
Stephen J. Gaal
Stephen, I dont know the Woodtek machine but I bought a Sunhill 25" sander, 15hp 3ph which I run on a 20hp phase converter. After 18 months I am still happy with it. It cost $6,000 and needed its own dust collector but has really earned its keep for me. I sand small parts, cabinet doors, and veneer which I slice myself on a bandsaw. Its been a real boon for me and the size and power have been more than adequate. Good luck on your choosing. aloha, mike
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