anyone interested in some spalted maple?
Hey guys,
Have been sawing a lot of maple lately and today I had several logs that were spalted bigtime so I set them aside for myself and also for any of you who are interested. I left them in the form of cants for the most part ( that is in the form of timbers for those of you who don’t understand sawmill lingo) . I can always put them back on the mill and make boards if that suits your needs but I felt that a lot of guys would be interested in turning stock.
this is some really spectacular stuff and I will try to post a pic of some of it soon. Meantime if any of you are interested in purchasing some of this material email me and I will try to accomodate your needs. I am going to put some of it on ebay but I thought I would give you knotheads first dibs.
where are you located? Also, what are the lengths?
Northeastern Ohio and the lengths vary but most are 8 ft or more except for one big cant that I cut into three foot sections . I have no doubt that there will be more as there is one area of the woods that seems to be affected by whatever is causing this ( I think it is a combination of worms which are common in maple and then with the tree being weakened spalting starts.) Anyway let me know your needs and I will try to post a pic tonight.
ok boys and girls (had to put that in especially for forestgirl LOL) as promised here are some pics of some of the spalted maple......... just a couple of samples. As stated last night I can cut boards, turning stock or what have you . I'm seriously thinking about building a toolbox out of this stuff. Not to mention several bowls.... pen blanks etc. .............. Sigh.... too many projects and not enough time. Oh well...
Edited 12/28/2005 7:49 pm ET by sawmillman
I am interested too. Can you ship? How much do you have and what cost? Thanks Bob
Got plenty by the time this is all over maybe 1000 to 1500 ft. No way of predicting it
shipping is no probem and the price is 5 bucks a foot unless you want a sizeable quantity then we can talk. As I said in the previous post this is really nice stuff.
Thanks for including me, SMM! Nice stuff. I've been trying to spalt some in our front field for about a year now, but it's slow going. Much better to find it complete like that!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)Another proud member of the "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
Yes it is much better to find it this way, whatever doesn't sell I will cut into boards and sticker until the moisture content comes down. Then I am going to build the mother of all toolboxes out of it.
That is very pretty wood... but it is NOT spalted. The color pictured is a particularly spectacular example of worm hole staining. The worm holes allow water to enter the wood which causes the pictured staining. Part of the staining is caused by leachate from the bark that seeps into the tree. This process often takes place over many years and (at least partially) while the tree is still living. Spalting is an effect that is held in check while the tree is healthy and almost all the effect occurs after the tree is killed or cut. The worm hole effect leaves the wood essentially sound (except for the little holes). Spalting is effected by fungi that essentially "eat" the wood and in advanced stages leaves the wood very soft dry and punky. I don't mean to belittle the wood in any way... it is very beautiful... I just want to correct any misconceptions people here may have about the nature of the effects involved and the proper terminology for describing them.
I appreciate your insight but I do not totally agree with you, There are wormholes present and they have contributed to the staining, however there is considerable spalting present as well. I have sawed enough wormy maple to know the difference. Further I doubt strongly that these particular trees were healthy and I don't think they would have made it more than another two or three years if that. The death sentence on these particular trees had already been pronounced. Anyway we can argue about what exactly caused it but the end result is some very pretty wood which should make some spectacular projects for me and several others.
I am in Akron,
I can't use the spalted maple at this time--------
but I DO need some 1/4 sawn oak with some great figure
Can ya help out with that?
I suspect I can pick it up at your convenience.
Are you looking for red oak or white oak? If you are making Arts and Crafts or Mission I would assume you want white oak. I can probably fix you up but not right away
I still have several white oaks in the last woods but I am sawing for another guy in a different spot right now and won't be back there for probably two months. I will ask him if there is any white oak in this woods but I doubt it as he hasn't mentioned any and I haven't seen any when walking thru it. We will be sawing some red oak in the next few weeks if that is what you want. Let me know
Hey Mark;
I'm about 30 miles outside of downtown (in Lake County). Can I take a look?
YOu sure can, email me and i will give you my phone and we will set up a time
Mark: I would be interested. I would need it in 4/4 boards. What price are you asking. Is it a problem to ship to Northern California.
No it would not be a problem shipping as long as we meet the UPS guidelines for ground shipping. 4/4 is no problem or any other thickness for that matter. as for price I quoted 5 bucks a bd ft. however if you want a little larger quantity then I would discount that somewhat. How much would depend on the quantity.
The nice thing here is that this wood is not rotted but is still sound. These trees were still living two days ago. I have seen spalted wood before but this is some spectacular stuff. I know what it is worth and I couldn't bear to see it end up in pallets somewhere. The lumber buyers won't take it for grade lumber but the local WoodCraft store was sure glad to get some. There are some advantages to being the sawyer when stuff like this comes up.
let me know
Mark: Thanks for the reply. I am looking for about 25 board feet of 4/4. How do you want to go about payment and shipping. Craig
Email me and we can get together by phone, then we can figure it out
I just read a little bit on the subject of spalting maple, it mentioned something about the wood needing to be kiln dried to stop the spalting process. The wood you are selling, is it kiln dried? Or any truth to this?
Semper Fi
to answer both of your questions, first any wood should be dried before using it however it does not necessarily have to be kiln dried. But it should at least be air dried until the moisture content comes down sufficiently that it can be placed in a stable environment with humidity similar to wherever the piece is destined to spend it's existance, and allowed to reach equilibrium with the moisture content in that environment.
That said kiln drying is faster and will enable one to use the wood much more quickly. As for turning stock, it is usually turned green at least to it's rough shape and then allowed to season for a time. After which it can be finished to it's final shape.
Removing the moisture environment is the important thing in regards to stopping the spalting. As long as the pieces are properly stickered and covered in such a way as to permit air circulation but not allowing them to be snowed on or rained on the spalting will be halted . Unless you live in an area with an extremely humid environment like the Pacific Northwest. Then Kiln drying is the way to go but one should still let the pieces acclimate before doing too much with them. Kilns usually shoot for 6-8 percent moisture content but what many don't realise is that the wood won't stay that way. It will start to seek equilibrium with it's environment as soon as it exits the kiln.
As to your request for cedar or fir........ no way I can help you with that. Very very little of that grows in this region.
Hope this helps
Mark: Could I also get some 8/4 Thanks Craig
Just call me at one of the numbers posted or email me your requirements and information
Sent u email will be in Hudson/Cleveland area next week, wood like to meet up with u. Thanks.
Hello Sawmillman & Happy New Year to You.
I am interested in your maple, about 50 board feet. I prefer it to be cut to 4/4. How about 6 feet long? What is the most common width?
Please contact me - I live in Valley Center, San Diego county - California
Happy New Year to you too,
It is all random width and 6 foot is no problem. Most of the cants are at least 7 inches wide with some going 9 or ten. You can send me an email and I will give you my phone no. I have several 4/4 boards already cut and I cut some 8/4 yesterday for another guy, If I have time tomorrow I am going to rough turn a bowl out of some of it. Will post pics if I get it done.
you are correct-----white oak would have been my preference--------but actually due to the planned finish on this piece red oak would likely have worked as well.
I am going to be starting this particular project before you even cut hose trees( I think)
however I unexpectedly find myself with a 3700 sq, ft. house to fill up with furniture-------------- so I would be very, VERY interested in working something out later this winter or this spring when you find yourself cutting oak.
you can email me anytime-----but I have to warn you I am very hit or miss about checking email
If you have the Akron yellow pages your best bet is by phone
Stephen Hazlett
Hazlett Roofing & Renovation Ltd.
roughly where are YOU located?
Best wishes, Stephen
I am in Roaming shores, and currently the mill is set up in Conneaut Ohio but will probably be back in trumbull county in a month and a half or so. Let me know the types of things you are looking for and I can keep an eye out for you . I also have contacts who can dry wood for you in a reasonable time as they do it for a living.
I can't find your email address, how do I go about finding it?
I'd like to order 50 board foot of your spalted maple.
click on my handle and it should come up (email this member or something like that)
anyway just in case you can't find it it is [email protected]
to all,
I decided to put some of this wood on the lathe tonite. Like a kid in a candystore or at Christmas, couldn't wait anymore. LOL Anyway I rough turned a bowl so I thought I'd post some pics of what it looks like so far. Can't wait until it dries so I can finish turn it and sand it. See what you think.
Edited 1/3/2006 10:10 pm ET by sawmillman
Also interested in obtaining red cedar and douglas fir. If you have access to these can you give me prices? The fir I need 4/4. The cedar I need 8/4. Thanks!
Semper Fi
When you're sending out your phone number for purchase, please include me in the list as well..
[email protected]
home 4405639221
give me a buzz and let me know what sizes you want
Wow..just saw this post. I'm in northern Summit County & would love to take a look at the stuff. I'll see if I can get a hold of you soon.
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