I am designing a tall chest with an arched top. Can anyone tell me whare to get information on how to make the crown molding for the top in an arch? Thanks for your help.
I am designing a tall chest with an arched top. Can anyone tell me whare to get information on how to make the crown molding for the top in an arch? Thanks for your help.
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you might want to try getting two pieces of similar grain crown mouldin and ripping both into one eighth strips. alternate both sets of strips and reassemble on aform w/glue to the form you need. Careful alignment on glueup should return a piece that needs only minor cleanup
The Shaper Handbook by (the late)Roger Cliffe and Michael Holtz.
Wood Magazine about 10 years or so ago did an project on an armoire with a curved top to it. Sorry I don't remember or have the issue nearby. Try their website.
Good Luck.
I did a magazine run last night, and it turns out that the current Woodsmith has an article on arched molding. Don't know if it's exactly what you need, but it might be worth a look. Love these mags that have no advertising!
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
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