After two coats of gloss poly and a 220 sand, I was thinking of the last coat being a wipe-on of satin Arm-R-Seal. Can this go over poly?? Thanks for the help.
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AFAIK, Arm-R-Seal is just another wipe-on urethane so what is the reason behind doing this?<
I'm not sure why you would want to either. The Arm-R-Seal is an oil based urethane, thinned for wiping. It's a good finish by itself. Or just add a third coat of whatever you started with.
Why do you want to switch?
My plan is 2 coats of gloss poly. Since I doubt the second coat will be totally smooth, I wanted something that could be wiped on as a last coat after sanding, BUT would leave a smooth final finish.
I find that buffing with steel wool, or a fine Mirka pad really helps after the last coat. I've really never used a film finish of any kind that didn't need some kind of rubbing out at the end.
I’ve had great luck with base coats of gloss poly, then the last coat (or two) of satin poly. Seems to allow for nice chatoyance coming through. I’m happy with that combo for poly, but more recently have had great results with OSMO hard oil wax, which now my goto finish.
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