So, calling it veneer might be a stretch 😉
I’ve got some leopard wood that I have re-sawn into 3/16″ thick pieces and these are book matched into sheets about 12″ wide.
I’d like to turn this into some panels for using on some box lids and am looking for a decent wood to use as a backer to make a 3/8 or 1/2 panel.
Wondering what everyone thinks about a decent backer wood. If the box is maple, cherry or walnut I’m thinking about those, but if the desire was to get something that is not so contrasty with the leopard wood and would be decent structurally I’m interested in listening to wise council… Maybe 1/4 sawn oak??
I’m interested in opinions on all these choices. My glue of choice for this type of thing is liquid hide glue.
You can't beat plywood. You should be ok with QS oak as long as its thoroughly dried and acclimated. The only experience I've had with that was using HHG (hot hide glue) and I had panels bow, but that could have been b/c I was using a mica veneer as a backer.
What type of hide glue are you using? (HHG, Titebond, Old Brown Glue?). Either way, use a backer veneer of the same thickness.
One nice think about ply is you can edge band it prior to veneering with the same wood as the backer and make it look like its a solid board.
I use OBG.
Yes, I've used 1/4" Baltic birch before but I need a solid edge and really dont want to mess with the filler required.
This is not so much a veneer as a 2 piece lamination.
Typically if I'm doing this I do a piece of tiger maple for the show side and a piece of plain maple for the bottom side, but in this case I dont have any "plain" leopard wood...
It's way too thick to be considered veneer. I wouldn't use ply, or you may get splits.
When I do something like this I use white pine. If you want to match the color of the leopardwood, just use whatever is a good match.
Maybe double up on the leopard wood and resaw one of them again. You'll have veneer to make your panel and a solid board left for edges and other parts. You can veneer the inside with whatever you like.
Indeed I have thought about that...
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