I am brand new to skilled wood working. I have whacked away at 2x4s for 65 years but never never have done any true “wood working”. I am using a Craftsman 8″ Dado for the first time and getting very sloppy cuts.
I am “trying” to cut a 1/2″ x 3/4″ Dado in a 1″ x 3/4″ pine board.
The Dado starts at 1/4″ but by the time I get to the end 14″ I am at 1/2″ on and off through the length.
Obviously I am not hold the board down, but how does one hold the board down.
I have done a dozen cuts and they seem to have gotten worse as I went along.
Thanks for the help, oh pictures realy help.
OH sorry I am using my Table Saw with the Dado.
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