Good Morning, new to the forum. I have a few of my Grandfathers tools and am trying to get to know them better. I do not know the age of this plane, it does not have Stanley markings or Patten numbers. It does look like maybe it is missing a part also. I do enjoy this displayed with a few other items I have of his. A bud wants to borrow this to use on a project so I thought I should get information like the year and value before I do. Also if the part is missing I need to hunt for it in my tools. Any Help is appreciated. Thank you!
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My knowledge about Bailey planes (if this is indeed a Bailey) is limited but the adjustment knob on yours looks like Bakelite (hard plastic). I believe that dates it to World War II when brass was scarce.
It appears to be missing the chip breaker and also the lever cap.
That is a stanley No. 5. No substantial value. You are missing the lever cap which would be branded Stanley. If I am seeing correctly the chipbreaker is there and the iron is very short, or it is assembled incorrectly. Replacement irons are available if you decide to restore it to user status. Do a gurgle for "patrick's blood and gore" for all you need to know on Stanley planes.
There are various sites that help with identifying Stanley planes. Google "Stanley plane identification" and you will get several sites. Here is one:
Regarding replacement parts, google "Stanley plane replacement parts" and you will find sites that sell parts, all the way down to the individual screws.
If you don't know what parts are missing, take the plane to a woodworker store. They will have new planes to compare, and likely some older planes kept as decoration. The employees might be woodworkers who love to geek out over a problem like yours.
If you want to restore your plane, check YouTube. There are loads of videos about how to rehab old tools. As to value, yours looks pretty rough. Check Ebay. Yours might be worth $30 - $40 as is, more if nicely restored.
Keep in mind that Stanley and Bailey started making their planes in the 1860's. There's tons of them out there and in lots of cases the parts are interchangeable. Some old planes are "Frankenplanes", meaning they were assembled from various planes. So the identifying exactly what type your plane is might be challenging.
Good luck.
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