Hi thanks for lookin at this. I have a 10 year old Ridgid band saw 14in thought about getting up grade guide kits for it but also thinking of purchasing a better saw and saving cost of upgrade question what is a good saw w/out going bankrupt
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Went from the 14" Griz G0555 to a Laguna 14/12 and no regrets. Got a fairly decent price for the Griz which helped offset a bit of the upgrade cost. Had to return a Grizzly planer recently due to 2 quality defects and so I'm no longer a Grizzly fan. Expect long delivery times on your new purchase.
I went from a Delta cast iron to the Laguna 14SUV (now discontinued) and could not be happier. The steel-framed euro style saw is better in every way.
The Harvey C14 looks to be the same specs and is on sale and in stock ($1699.00) at:
I had the same Ridgid saw. I had a riser block on it for a while, but no mater how I tuned it up I could not get it to resaw worth a crap.
I bought a Laguna 14/12 and couldn't be happier. I've done nothing to it except change blades when they get dull, and I resaw 1/8 slices of cherry 9-11 inches wide like butter.
I took the riser block off the Ridgid, and now it lives with a 3/16 blade for scrolling thin stuff. And cutting long waste for the burn pile.
I had a Delta X10 bandsaw. I installed a riser block, Carter ball bearing guides and a Kreg fence system. I couldn't fix having to constantly re-adjust the guides when changing height of cut. Nothing wrong with the guides but the vertical post they were connected to just wouldn't center consistently in the same place. I sold it and bought a 220v Laguna 14bx. It eliminated that problem and makes re-sawing so much easier and accurate. You can check out more details on the Laguna 14 series saws by searching Youtube. There are several review videos there.
Maybe consider keeping the Rigid as dedicated small blade saw? I bought ceramic guides for my first BS and keep a 3/16" blade on it as the setup on that saw was always a pain when changing sizes.
Unfortunately machines prices are through the roof right now. Many BS are 40%+ more now than just a few months ago. I looked at the Laguna models but Powermatic was in stock so I went that direction.
Laguna 14 SUV, with a Resaw King blade I can use it for cutting lengthwise if the Table Saw is crowded and slices through 14 inches logs with ease while being able to run a narrow blade for cutting tight curves. The rigidity of the frame, lack of vibration and weight are probably its assets.
I want to say that Laguna 14SUV is good. I use it and really happy with it.
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