So, for a very long time, I think I’ve had an issue with my Delta 14″ bandsaw (28-276.) At some point in time, the table went “off center” from the blade. No idea why nor recollection of what might have caused it. I’ve attached some pictures to help ask my question. When I first got it many years ago, all was good. It sat idle for a few years, and honestly I’ve just started really using it frequently in the last three or four.
To show what I’m talking about, note the pic with the yellow plastic table insert. The blade isn’t centered in the hole.
I just replaced the thrust bearings top and bottom yesterday (the bottom finally gave out,) and in another picture, you can see the upper bearing’s alignment behind the blade. Looks good to me.
In the third pic, tho’ … and it’s hard to see – look for the “red” center of the sealed bearing below and behind the lower guides… you’ll note the blade is darn near bisecting the bearing rather than being at the rim of the bearing as it is in the upper.
So, 1) the wheels are co-planer. 2)the frame post looks like it might not line up precisely, so yesterday I cracked the upper and lower frame. Both pins are there (I thought perhaps one might be broken…?) and well, they’re there. I didn’t have any help around to pull the upper frame off, but… from what I can tell, it looks like the pins are doing their job. 3) the saw tracks and cuts fine, it’s just an irritation to cut in a new zero clearance throat.
It doesn’t appear (but maybe I’m not seeing it) the lower blade guide / bearing assembly is separate from the frame itself… and if it is, well, I certainly seems solid.
Like I said, the saw functions fine, but I don’t think it’s “right.” And that’s driving me nuts.
Thoughts, suggestions, recommendations? Any and all input welcomed.
Ignore the yellow plastic insert. Those things get chewed up. I've never had any luck with a zero clearance insert in a Delta or clone. Consider those inserts to be sacrificial.
If the saw cuts and tracks well, consider yourself fortunate and forget the insert.
Start by backing off all guides and rotating the wheel, the rear guide bearing looks ok and for the insert, my taught is that the table has moved, it’s held by bolts that go through oversized holes, maybe it’s time to re-align it with the blade and insert.
These inserts are commonly not centred on the blade - this allows the table to tilt whilst keeping the stock insert in place - the blade is usually on the right of the insert and there is a larger gap on the left.
If this were not the case, the blade would be pinched.
Great explanation. Thanks.
Thank you all!
Michael Fortune has a great video on finewoodworking on how to tune up your bandsaw. I did what he suggested and mine bandsaw runs great.
Good luck.
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