Hello All,
My new bandsaw has arrived and the manufacturer has upgraded the blade guides from phenolic blocks to guide bearings. I know that some don’t consider this an upgrade, and why, but it’s what i have now. The Op. manual hasn’t caught up with their good intentions yet and only mentions the set up clearance for the block guides. My question for you is – what clearance (if any) do I set the guide bearings for? Would just “kissing” the blade but no pressure be the answer?
I am not absolutely sure but I would think set it up as if you had cool blocks on it.Just enough clearance of a dollar bill and that's it. But maybe because they are bearings maybe had it running on the blade.
Thanks Mark.
That's what I've assumed so far and I don't think I can go wrong in the testing stage - I just need to know with precision for when I start to push the saw"s envelope a bit during tall resawing or tight curves.
The manufacturers that I'm aware of recommend 1 or 2 thousandths. One way to get this is to use a feeler gauge that's a thousandth thicker than your band. A dollar bill is about 4 thousandths thick.
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