Looking for a source for the folding door hardware for barristers bookcase. This is the application where the door is pulled up and pushed into the carcass. Pocket door hardware takes up too much room to be appropriate….
Don Kondra – Furniture Designer/Maker
Edited 6/13/2002 9:52:14 PM ET by Don Kondra
Hafele have what your looking for, several choices too. 800-423-3531. Headquarters are in North Carolina. There's also http://www.hafeleonline.com but you have to have a customer no. and I think a rolling account. I always phone and pay by credit card after selecting the items I need out of their doorstep book. Slainte, RJ.
FWW #96 had an article on making barrister's cases, with several ideas for shopmade hardware.
Rockler, of course. Price? Well....that may be another story.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Thanks for the replies.
Quite a while ago I did some repairs to an older barristers bookcase and now that I think of it that hardware is probably more work to install and doesn't work as well as the new pocket door hardware.
Somehow I had convinced myself I needed the old style hardware for this new project....
As far as price I used the Accuride this past winter, wholesale price was $40 Cdn.... the Rockler price was over $70US..
Don Kondra - Furniture Designer/Maker
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