I carry a small block of bee’s wax in my apron to rub on screws before driving them and for rubbing on plane soles. Recently I started rubbing it on the saw and jointer tables. It really helps things slide across them but I am wondering – will this cause me troubles later when applying finishes?
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I have done the same thing for years. No problems. I have my grandfather's hammer that has a small hole drilled into the but end of the handle and filled with beeswax. Back then carpenters around here used hardwoods for framing houses and barns. The tip of a nail turned into the wax sure helps to drive it into hardwood.
A little dab of that wax transferred from the nail onto the head of the hammer makes things interesting too! I have the same receptacle for wax in my hammer handle, and one in a screwdriver, also.
can anyone post a photo of the wax in handle ? Thanks Ron
It'd take me an hour, to get a picture from my cell phone to this thread! I just drilled a 3/8" hole about 3/4" deep into the end of the handle, fill the hole with a bit of beeswax/oil mixture (or a bit from a toilet seal ring--same stuff) soft enough to stick the point of a nail or screw into. Paste wax for furniture would accomplish the same thing, if you don't have access to beeswax. Like Brylcreem, a little dab'll do ya.
You are sure right about that. Been there. Done that.
The wax can cause problems for your finish if you don't scrape or sand or otherwise remove all of it before applying some finishes .
The spots contaminated will just hold the finish shiny and not allow it to dry .
Instead of beeswax or paraffin I use a paste wax on machine and table saw tables .
regards dusty
I wax mine with some Liberon wax sold for the purpose. It appears to be mostly beeswax with something in it to make it a bit runny (a solvent,probably, as it whiffs a bit).
The instructions recommend it is polished after application to leave only the shiny, slippery wax coating, as with a piece of furniture. I never get any transfer to the workpieces but the tables remain slippy for a good while.
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