Belt sander – variable speed or not?
I am looking at a belt sander (maybe PC 362 or 352). What determines whether or not I need a variable speed or a single speed belt sander?
Primarily will be sanding wood.
Alan — planesaw
I am looking at a belt sander (maybe PC 362 or 352). What determines whether or not I need a variable speed or a single speed belt sander?
Primarily will be sanding wood.
Alan — planesaw
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I have a variable speed Bosch. I usually keep it at the high speed. But it's good to be able to crank the rpm down when you need a light touch: for example I sometimes use it when sanding edge banding down flush on plywood shelves; it helps to keep from sanding thru the face veneer. GP
Thanks. That's the type of info I am looking for. Although I typically have used my old cheap B&D for smoothing large flat surfaces, I thought I would do some checking before I spend money on something new.
Alan - planesaw
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